Madison, CT Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Skilled Collaborative Divorce Attorneys in Madison, Connecticut

Madison, CT Collaborative Divorce AttorneyWhenever a couple decides to separate, most are aware of the traditional divorce litigation process where both parties get their own attorney, and the adversarial process starts. It is easy for parties in litigation to see everything as a fight with only one place for the winner. However, winning and losing should never be the standard for a family law case. There is a better way for those who wish to end things on a positive note. In a collaborative divorce case, couples work with their respective Madison, CT, collaborative divorce attorneys to resolve any issues or concerns without the court’s intervention.

Purpose Of A Collaborative Divorce Case

The primary purpose of a collaborative divor ce is to help your family quickly transition to a different family structure. It is especially important if you have minor children from your marriage. The couple can still function to help each other and provide the comfort of a family in a different setting. Even grown-up kids appreciate knowing that they still have both their parents on major life events without feeling the anxiety that often follows after a traditional divorce.

How Does A Collaborative Divorce Work?

When you opt for a collaborative divorce, it will take a team effort to resolve any issues without involving the court. The team generally consists of spouses who each have a professionally trained Madison, CT, collaborative divorce attorney. A neutral professional will be brought in to help you and your ex understand all your options and make decisions based on professional guidance. For instance:

A neutral financial professional will help you understand the totality of your financial situation, including debts, cash flow, debts, and projections for the future. The professional will review budgets and itemize the needs of both parties and the children to understand better how you must allocate your financial resources.

A professional divorce coach will help you with the emotional aspects of the process. They will help you become centered and think logically. In a divorce case, where things could get a little overwhelming, a divorce coach will help you calm down and make sound decisions for your future.

A child specialist will help you understand the overall importance of both parents supporting your kid’s relationship with the co-parent. It includes creating a sound parenting plan that focuses on the needs and wants of your kids.

What Is The Role Of A Collaborative Divorce Attorney?

A professional Madison, CT, collaborative divorce attorney will help their clients understand all their legal responsibilities and rights while also helping them develop creative solutions customized to fit their family’s needs.

During the beginning of the collaborative divorce process, you and your ex must agree to full transparency and disclosure and not go to court to resolve your differences. The final settlement, known as the judgment, will be filed with the court and is enforceable as a court order.

Collaborative divorce tends to work better since it allows both parties to come out of a divorce without publicly tearing down each other in a courtroom. It works because a collaborative divorce’s primary goal is to meet both sides’ interests and allow them to separate without the resentment and bitterness of a traditional divorce.

Looking For An Experienced Collaborative Divorce Attorney In Madison? Contact CT Mediation Center Today!

If you and your spouse wish to end your relationship on good terms, we suggest you contact CT Mediation Center immediately! Our professional collaborative divorce attorneys will do their best to help you and your partner find a middle ground when separating. Moreover, our team has years of experience in the field, which enables them to adequately guide you toward a sound and peaceful future after separation. Call us to get started on your collaborative divorce as soon as possible.