To book your free face-to-face information session,with a mediator, please call us at (860) 986-1141, fill out the contact form or email us.
Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce orientation meetings are free of charge and private. Just you and your spouse, partner, or other parent will be present, along with the mediator.
The initial information session generally lasts 20-40 minutes depending on how many questions you have. This information session gives you the chance to meet the attorney mediator and staff in person, see our offices, and have your questions answered so you can decide if mediation or collaborative divorce is the right option for you and your spouse or significant other.
A typical agenda for the Mediation Information Session includes:
- An explanation of the value, benefits and results of mediation or collaboration
- Why mediation or collaboration works
- Exploration of whether litigation is – or is not- an option for your circumstances
- Timing of divorce process in the State of ConnecticutRelative cost of your divorce options
- Paperwork needed for divorce in Connecticut
- Explanation of attorneys’ roles, mediation-friendly attorneys, collaboration attorneys and how collaborative practices work in the State of Connecticut.
- Explanation of what is commonly involved in the mediation sessions and the role of the mediator
- The difference between legal information and education vs. legal advice
- Explanation of joint sessions vs. individual caucuses
- How our attorneys achieve balanced discussions
- Additional information about other alternative dispute resolution options and/or litigation