In Connecticut, a divorce mediator is not required to be an attorney. They just need to register with the state as a mediator. I strongly recommend that people seeking divorce
Divorce and Insurance Benefits
Financial Mistakes Divorce Mediation Couples often make and how to avoid them. One such mistake regarding divorce and insurance benefits is failing to secure spousal support (alimony) and child support
Divorce and Life Insurance Policies
Life Insurance Policies are assets and must be listed and addressed in your Divorce Decree and Financial Affidavit. In a Connecticut Divorce, life insurance policies are listed on the Financial
Surviving the Holidays During Divorce
By: Alexandra L. Cipolla M.S Surviving the holidays during divorce can be one of the most challenging times in a person’s life, especially if there are children involved. As parents,
Approaches to Negotiation in Divorce Mediation
There are two general approaches to negotiation. One is called “positional negotiation,” and the other is called “interest-based” negotiation. People may use both interest-based and positional negotiation approaches at different
Before Starting The Mediation Process: Items For Consideration
Before beginning the divorce mediation process, there are a number of items one should consider. Even if you don’t consult with a review attorney or financial professional before the divorce
Reaching Mediation Agreements
When spouses reach a mediation agreement, the attorney-mediator typically drafts the first draft of the parties’ agreement. This mediation agreement is a contract. The best divorce mediators strongly encourage spouses
Privacy in Divorce Mediation
In Connecticut, there are rules providing that divorce mediation is a confidential process, meaning that all communications made during a mediation session by any spouse, whether in a joint session
What is Divorce Mediation?
The mediation process in Connecticut and many other states is used to help settle many different types of cases, including, for example, divorce along with other family disputes, disputes among
Selling your house before a divorce
Do I need to sell my house first, before I finalized and reach an agreement with my soon to be Ex? The short answer is NO. The house is one