When filing for divorce in Connecticut, a couple seeking a peaceful, amicable divorce, and who are committed to staying out of Court, can utilize the services of a neutral attorney-mediator to file for divorce or legal separation.
You need to utilize an Attorney to file for a divorce in Connecticut
A couple cannot use a non-attorney, such as a paralegal or a therapist when filing for divorce in Connecticut. While these professionals may have mediation training and can complete some of the paperwork, they cannot file for divorce for clients, write the divorce agreement or provide any legal information, such as child support guidelines, alimony, property division, etc.
Non-attorney mediators cannot prepare the legal and financial documents
Performing this type of work can be construed as practicing law without a license. The fees for non-attorney mediators may be less at the onset. However, the cost of the entire divorce may be greater in the long run since the couple will have to hire separate attorneys to prepare the legal and financial documents and attend the final day in Court.
Hiring a neutral attorney-mediator at the onset will save you money in the long run
In contrast, a neutral attorney-mediator can execute all the documents needed, walk the couple through each step and go to Court with them to finalize the process when filing for divorce in Connecticut. They can keep the couple out of Court until their divorce date and eliminate the need for a Marshal to serve divorce papers. Additionally, attorney-mediators can provide legal information about the statutes, case law, and various ways in which the law can be interpreted.
One important note: the attorney-mediator cannot provide independent legal advice to just one spouse when filing for divorce in Connecticut. A non-attorney mediator such as a paralegal or therapists cannot discuss the law with a couple. With all that an attorney-mediator can offer, working with one may be the right choice for couples desiring a peaceful, amicable and inexpensive divorce.
Learn More
To learn more about how divorce mediation can help your case, contact any of our Divorce Attorney Mediators or Certified Divorce Financial Analysts at CT Divorce Mediation Centers. Divorce and Family Mediation and Collaborative Law are all we do. We have offices in Madison, New Haven, Cheshire, West Hartford, Glastonbury, West Hartford, and Windsor, CT. To find out more information or to schedule a consultation with our divorce experts, call us at (860) 986-1141.
DISCLAIMER:This publication is not meant to constitute legal, accounting, financial, investment advisory, or other professional advice. If legal, financial, investment advisory or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person such as CT Divorce Mediation center, should be sought.